Technical University of Denmark

Rasmus Fromsejer


  • Rotational correlation times of proteins determined by 111mCd PAC spectroscopy
  • Free Molecule Studies by Perturbed γ−γ Angular Correlation: A New Path to Accurate Nuclear Quadrupole Moments
  • Dynamics of nuclear recoil: QM-BOMD simulations of model systems following β-decay
  • Calculation of electric field gradients for CdI2 in the gas phase using BOMD simulations
  • Molecular rotational correlation times and nanoviscosity determined by 111mCd perturbed angular correlation (PAC) of γ‐rays spectroscopy
  • Evaluating the harmonic approximation for the prediction of thermodynamic formation properties of solids
  • Calculation of electric field gradients in Cd(II) model complexes of the CueR protein metal site

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