Technical University of Denmark

Rasoul Mokhtari


  • Feasibility study of small scale core flooding considering low salinity injection in Danish North Sea Reservoirs
  • Challenges and enablers for large-scale CO2 storage in chalk formations
  • Recovery of carboxylic acid tracers in two phase flow experiments in chalk
  • Modified salinity flooding in North Sea chalk: secondary and near-tertiary recovery
  • Multiscale and Dynamic X-ray CT and Magnetic Resonance of Rocks
  • Can CO2 be stored in depleted oil chalk fields?
  • Produced gas re-injection in a Lower Cretaceous reservoir
  • Assessing and comparing nutritional status and related factors among 6-48 months old children born in the damaged rural and urban areas of Varzeghan after the 2012 earthquake
  • Crude Oil–Brine–Rock Interactions in Tight Chalk Reservoirs: An Experimental Study
  • Experimental investigation of low salinity water-flooding in tight chalk oil reservoirs
  • Asphaltene destabilization in the presence of an aqueous phase: The effects of salinity, ion type, and contact time
  • SEM and AFM studies of surface wetting during aging of chalk in crude oil
  • De-risking CO2 storage in chalk formations
  • Coating a self-healing underground tank for safe storage of CO2 in chalk reservoirs
  • The Necessity of Choosing the Right Injection Scenario; How Can This Affect Low Salinity Waterflooding Results?
  • Experimental Investigation of Produced Gas Re-injection in a Tight Danish North Sea Oil Reservoir
  • Recovery of carboxylic acid tracers in two phase flow experiments with Danish chalk
  • Experimental investigation of low salinity water flooding efficiency in tight carbonate fractured oil reservoirs; a case study
  • Low Salinity Water-flooding in Chalk Core Samples from a Danish North Sea Reservoir
  • Smartwater flooding in a carbonate asphaltenic fractured oil reservoir - Comprehensive fluidfluid-rock mechanistic study
  • Experimental investigation of inorganic scale deposition during smart water injection - A formation damage point of view
  • Experimental investigation of the influence of fluid-fluid interactions on oil recovery during low salinity water flooding
  • Dissociation of polar oil components in low salinity water and its impact on crude oil–brine interfacial interactions and physical properties
  • Well productivity in an Iranian gas-condensate reservoir: A case study
  • Effect of salinity and ion type on formation damage due to inorganic scale deposition and introducing optimum salinity
  • Co-optimization of enhanced oil recovery and carbon dioxide sequestration in a compositionally grading Iranian oil reservoir; Technical and economic approach
  • Optimizing gas injection in reservoirs with compositional grading: A case study
  • Changes in surface chemistry and wetting state during aging and flooding of carbonate rock studied by SEM-EDS and AFM-IR
  • IFT and emulsification properties of oil-brine mixtures in the presence of calcium carbonate nanoparticles
  • De-risking CO2 injection and storage in chalk
  • Why store CO2 in chalk?
  • Safe Carbon Storage to support Denmark’s energy transition
  • Gas Injection in Lower Cretaceous Reservoirs
  • Rock-fluid Interactions in North Sea Chalk Reservoirs
  • Controlling the gelation time of sodium silicate gelants for fluid management in hydrocarbon reservoirs
  • Role of sulfate ion on wettability alteration and oil mobilization in chalk reservoirs during modified salinity waterflooding
  • Advances in CO2-switchable surfactants towards the fabrication and application of responsive colloids
  • Modified salinity waterflooding in chalk reservoirs
  • Experimental Investigation of Hydrocarbon and Non-Hydrocarbon Gas Injection in a Tight Danish North Sea Oil Reservoir
  • Experimental Investigation of Long-Term CO2 Exposure to Brine-Saturated Reservoir Chalk Core Material
  • Rock-fluid Interactions and wetting effects in water flooding of chalk and implications for recovery mechanisms
  • Investigating CO2 hydrate formation in the CO2 storage reservoirs
  • CO2 storage in carbonate reservoirs
  • Brine-Saturated Reservoir Chalk CO2 Exposure Long Term Effects
  • Gas Injection in Lower Cretaceous Reservoirs: Simulation-Based Evaluation and Parameter Extraction
  • Experimental Investigation of Hydrocarbon and Non-hydrocarbon Gas Injection in a Tight Danish North Sea Oil Reservoir
  • Simple MATLAB and Python scripts for multi‐exponential analysis
  • Experimental Investigation of CO2-Hydrate Formation During CO2 Storage in Tight Chalk Reservoirs
  • Investigating Rock Material Impact on Low Salinity Water Flooding
  • Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Major Impurities in the CO2 Stream on Carbon Storage in Chalk Reservoirs
  • Simple MATLAB and Python scripts for multi-exponential analysis
  • Role of rock material on low salinity waterflooding investigations in chalk reservoirs
  • Experimental Investigation of Recovery Performance of Different Gases in a Tight Lower-Cretaceous Danish North Sea Reservoir
  • Long term CO2 exposure to brine-saturated chalk; an experimental study
  • Effects of impurities on CO2 storage in chalk reservoirs

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