- Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis on the Web Using Rhetorical Structure Theory
- Solving bin-packing problems under privacy preservation: Possibilities and trade-offs
- Reducing Passenger Delays by Rolling Stock Rescheduling
- A Variable Neighborhood Search heuristic for rolling stock rescheduling
- Reducing disease spread through optimization: Limiting mixture of the population is more important than limiting group sizes
- The Edge Investment Problem: Upgrading Transit Line Segments with Multiple Investing Parties
- Network Design for a Bus Rapid Transit Line Considering Route and Station Attractiveness
- The Bus Rapid Transit Investment Problem
- A Comparison of Models for Rolling Stock Scheduling
- The bus rapid transit investment problem
- Simulation-Optimization Approaches for the Network Immunization Problem with Quarantining
- Integrated route selection and redesign of the surrounding bus network for a new BRT line
- Combining Optimization and Simulation for the Targeted Immunization of a Population under Epidemic Outbreak