Technical University of Denmark
3 files

Workshop material and main results of a literature screening investigating stakeholders and their planning objectives for Urban Water Management in Denmark

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modified on 2020-11-03, 12:43

The attached documents represents the main results of a literature screening conducted in the fall 2017 and the workshop material conducted as a validation of the literature screening. The documents are supplemental material for an article submitted to Urban Water Journal. The article is titled: Incorporating views and objectives of stakeholders in strategic planning of urban water management. The aim of the screening was to identify stakeholders and their planning objectives for urban water management and urban planning in Denmark. Please see further descriptions of the methodology in the article.


The excel sheet named "Stakeholders_And_Objectives_SupplementalMaterial" comprises the following data sheets:

S1 - Final coding scheme: The data sheet provides the final coding scheme developed through the literature screening, as described in the methodology section in the article. The final coding scheme has iteratively been condensed and consist of some interpretation.

S2 - Hamming results: Stakeholder alliances were estimated from the Hamming similarity measure (see Method section in Article). The data sheets provides the calculated similarities, where the article and S6 - Stakeholder alliances provides a qualitative description.

S3 - Definition of stakeholders and objectives: This data sheets defines the stakeholders and the objectives found through literature screening and workshops. The definitions of objectives are based on the major use in literature and workshops.


The file "Workshop_emneguide_SupplementalMaterial" and "Workshop_Case_studier_beskrivelse_SupplementalMaterial" contains the workshop material used to facilitate three workshops. The aim of the workshops was to validate the results from the literature screening. The language is Danish.

