Technical University of Denmark

Questionnaire on perceived indoor climate and technical installations

posted on 2021-08-02, 08:22 authored by Lucile Julia Sarran, Christian Anker HviidChristian Anker Hviid, Carsten RodeCarsten Rode
This questionnaire was developed as part of an industrial PhD project between Saint-Gobain Nordic A/S and the Technical University of Denmark conducted by Lucile Sarran, under the supervision of Carsten Rode, Christian Hviid, Jakub Kolarik and Elisabeth Wærsted. Please cite as: Sarran, Lucile; Hviid, Christian Anker; Rode, Carsten (2019): Questionnaire on perceived indoor climate and technical installations. Technical University of Denmark. Dataset. This work is licensed under CC-BY version 4.0.

The questionnaire was sent in January 2019 to over 2,000 houses, both old and retrofitted, in a social housing complex. It aimed at understanding their satisfaction with the indoor environmental quality and the technical installations (heating and mechanical ventilation) in their homes. The questionnaire was sent in Danish. 344 households completed it (17.1%).

The following themes were developed in the questionnaire:
- Background of the respondent
- Satisfaction with thermal comfort
- Respondents’ satisfaction with their possibility to control and interact with the heating system
- Satisfaction with indoor air quality
- Satisfaction with the quality of the ventilation supply air
- Respondents’ satisfaction with their possibility to control and interact with the ventilation system
- Window opening behaviour
- Interest in diverse proposals regarding information and control on indoor climate.

This dataset consists of the questionnaire text, both the original Danish version and an English translation, in PDF format.

More information on the development of the questionnaire and the analysis of the results can be found in the following article:


Saint-Gobain Nordic, Innovationsfonden, Realdania (grant number 7038-00224A)


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