Supplementary Dataset: "Polar ionospheric currents and high temporal resolution geomagnetic field models"
Data and model parameter files supplement the paper:
Title: "Polar ionospheric currents and high temporal resolution geomagnetic field models"
Authors: Kloss, C. and Finlay, C. and Laundal, K.M. and Olsen, N.
DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggad325
Supplementary software that investigates the divergence and curl of the estimated poloidal ionospheric field is available at
Files Description
The following files are available:
- Model-A_datafile.h5
- Reference.mat
- Model-A.mat
- Model-B.mat
- readme.txt
(1) Model-A_datafile.h5:
The file stores the processed magnetic data used to estimate our geomagnetic field model called Model-A. Data is organized as HDF-datasets within the HDF-group "vector". Each HDF-dataset comes with the attributes "UNITS", "DESCRIPTION" and "FORMAT", which provide additional information on the HDF-dataset.
Python code example (using h5py Python package):
>>> import h5py as h5
>>> file = h5.File('Model-A_datafile.h5', 'r')
>>> print(list(file['vector'].keys())) # list all data variables
>>> print(file["vector/Time"].attrs["UNITS"].decode()) # units of "Time"
>>> file.close()
References to the original databases:
(i) Swarm and CryoSat2 data are available through ESA at
(ii) CHAMP data are available from GFZ Data Services at
(iii) Ground magnetic observatory data from INTERMAGNET are available via the virtual research platform VirES
(iv) RC index is available at
(v) SML index is available at
(vi) Solar wind speed, interplanetary magnetic field and Kp index are available through the GSFC/SPDF OMNIWeb interface at
(vii) CHAOS-7 model and its updates are available at
(2-4) Reference.mat (similarly for Model-A.mat, Model-B.mat):
Model parameter file of our estimated model in mat-format, following the style of the CHAOS model releases.
Chaosmagpy (documentation, doi: ) can be used to load the mat-formatted file and evaluate the non-ionospheric parts of the model. The ionospheric part of our model is unfortunately not supported at the moment. However, we have plans to make this possible in a future version of chaosmagpy.
Python code example (using ChaosMagPy Python package):
>>> import chaosmagpy as cp
>>> model_a = cp.CHAOS.from_mat('Model-A.mat) # load model file
>>> B_int = model_a.synth_values_tdep(...) # evaluate time-dependent internal field
(5) Readme.txt:
Copy of this document.
2023-11-10 Added link to supplementary software.
2023-08-16 Initial preparation of this document and the files by Clemens Kloss.
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