Technical University of Denmark

Virtual nacelle lidar measurements in wake through aeroelastic simulations

posted on 2022-11-28, 16:00 authored by Alessandro Sebastiani, Alfredo PeñaAlfredo Peña, Niels TroldborgNiels Troldborg

The data files include results from aeroelastic simulations performed with HAWC2 and combined with a lidar simulator.

Virtual nacelle lidars scan the inflow to the rotor in order to generate a dataset of virtual power performance tests, where the power output is retrieved from HAWC2 and the wind speed measurements are given by the virtual lidars. Both wake-free and waked conditions are simulated and the Wake Dynamic Meandering model ( is used to simulate the wakes.   


LIdar Knowledge Europe

European Commission

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  • Wind power plant;>Wind farm;>Wakes
  • Wind power plant;>Wind farm;>Other
  • Wind power plant;>Performance


  • Aeroelastic;>Other
  • Flow;>Analytical
  • Flow;>Physical


  • Modeling

External conditions

  • Not applicable

Data category

  • Other data

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