This is an animation of a hydraulic jump episode from the Alaiz experiment (ALEX17) from (top) WRF-LES simulations and (bottom) multi-lidar observations.
The top panel shows horizontal wind velocity fields from real-time simulations performed with the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) model with the innermost domain run in large-eddy simulation mode. The LES domain has a spatial and temporal resolution are 111.1 m and 0.1235 s, respectively. Each frame represent instantaneous results every 1 min.
The bottom panel shows 10-min averages of radial wind speeds from superposed RHI scans observed by WindScanner systems. Measurements are taken four times every hour, two times by both scanning lidars and two times only by one.
Red colours represent flow from right to left (mean flow) and blue colours flow from left to right (recirculation zones). White colours are zero wind speed.
This animation is part of the paper "Lidar observations and numerical simulations of an atmospheric hydraulic jump and mountain waves", submitted to Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres and currently available as a preprint in ESSOAr,
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, 17-M01-DTU