Technical University of Denmark


Published on by Daniela Cristina Antelmi Pigosso

Society´s most well-intended efforts to solve sustainability challenges have not yet achieved the expected gains due to rebound effects, which are unintended consequences of interventions that arise due to induced changes in system behaviour.

Rebound effects are widely acknowledged, but fundamental scientific gaps hamper their prevention. REBOUNDLESS aims to develop the reboundless design theory, a paradigm shift in design science that will establish the scientific knowledge for preventing rebound effects by:

- Explaining systemic rebound effect mechanisms triggered by sustainable design strategies.

- Modelling and simulating the magnitude of rebound effects arising from design decisions.

- Enabling the design of resilient systems by means of reboundless design strategies.

The reboundless design theory will provide novel methodologies, simulation models and strategies for the design of reboundless solutions (i.e. products, product/service-systems and socio-technical systems that are resilient to rebound effects).

Building on the strong foundation of systems theory, REBOUNDLESS is uniquely positioned to bridge the interdisciplinary gap in the interplay of sustainable design and rebound effects, qualitative and quantitative models, engineering and social sciences, theory and practice.

The reboundless design theory will be the starting point of a prominent research field, with extensive applicability within and beyond sustainable design (e.g. sustainability assessment, sustainability transitions, policy-making).

Never before has there been a stronger global focus on solving the pressing sustainability challenges, but the expected positive societal impact will not be achieved unless rebound effects are prevented.

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3D-Printed Materials and Systems
AAPG Bulletin
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Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universität Hamburg
ABI Technik (German)
Academic Medicine
Academic Pediatrics
Academic Psychiatry
Academic Questions
Academy of Management Discoveries
Academy of Management Journal
Academy of Management Learning and Education
Academy of Management Perspectives
Academy of Management Proceedings
Academy of Management Review

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Towards the prevention of rebound effects within complex socio-technical systemsEuropean Research CouncilFind out more...

